Just your standard motorcycle courier by day, and also by night. But during the day and night sometimes? She becomes.. Stormwave! Wearing a stunning duratex outfit over her tightened and youthful body, she brings a shock to the criminal system plaguing the world. While she's bold, brash, and impulsive, the fox always does her best to reassure the city and save the day... Even if sometimes the villains get the best of her!
Friends, teammates, and villains. Who are sometimes friends!


And more to come!
Adoring fan:

Profile is suddenly under a lot of rebuilding. Expect some updates tomorrow or the next day!
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Want to RP? Want to talk about stories or pics? Please, please, please message me!
Also I have a Kofi if anyone wants to support me in that way! It'll go a long way towards supporting JUSTICE! And FOX BUTTS! Mostly that second one, knowing you guys!
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sent Shinies to Stormwave"helping pay for art"
sent a Shiny to Stormwave"Payplush sends for your pleasure"
sent a Shiny to Stormwave"Paydrone submits"
sent Shinies to Stormwave"Payslut online again"
Submissions: 464
Favs: 33084
Comments Made: 582
Journals: 20
Recent Journal
Let's go!
a year agoI'll be uploading one more story for you guys, and a pic, then you guys don't get ANY Zyla content until I'm in FRANCE!
God, I'm excito-nervous now
User Profile
rock and hardcore awesome
PS4 and steam
Foxeses and bunnies
Japanese, Chinese, and Mexican
Don't worry, lightning fixes everything
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hah, gottem