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Reviews for "Bullet Bill 3"

Well made game...

but HARD! I got all the way to level D-4 (to the second boss even!) before I tried to change my ability - and guess what, you have to start the level over again. Some kind of warning about that would be nice - instead it warns that there will be a "score penalty" - big deal, I don't play for score (what is this the 80s?), I play to beat the game. The warning SHOULD say "You will have to redo this entire level".

Other than that glaring slap in the face to people who don't like to have their accomplishments erased, I'd say you did rather well. I like how you can try again instantly without having to sit through some kind of animation or cutscene.

Fix the "level restart without warning" issue and I'd say it would be a ten.


its a great game i guess. to hard for me though; boss 3's attacks keep going behind his ship and I can't see where they are until they hit me >:{ this game isn't for me but its still fun


Well, I loved Bullet Bill 2, but I never knew there was a number 3! Awesome! 4/5!

Great flash game, and plenty entertaining.... But.

As I said, it's a wonderful game, and all what not... but it's definitely too hard for a casual audience. I know it's not supposed to be an easy game, and with infinite lives, frequent checkpoints, and non-chaging levels, you think it'd be easier. Well, guess what, this game doesn't fuck around, and it sure as shit and takin' shit from you.

To start off, none of the actual stages were really that hard. It was really trial and error. However, there are some things that were ill-done. And A LOT of it has to deal with that donkey-dong sucking mask.

First of all, that asshole was way too fast. It rivaled your speed, and relentlessly, doggedly chased you like you owed it rent. Even in the "Slowed Time" perk, that thing could intercept you like a boss, and laughed at you the whole time.

And that's another thing; it's mode of movement. By the start, it homes in on your location. That'd be fine by itself, really. But adding in the fact it compensates for your own steering is by far one of the pissier things. It countlessly, perfectly stops you in your tracks if you don't jerk the hell out of the way, which ends up usually killing you if that bloody mask doesn't. There is no 'gently' going out of it's way, that thing is out for blood, and it doesn't take no for an answer.

For another issue, it spawns erratically. It has no pattern to follow, and is just chaotic. If you could at least generalize where it spawned each time, it would make it bounds less frustrating. I know the game isn't supposed to be easy, AGAIN, but it doesn't have to be balls to the walls hard either. It's just a flash game after all.

Speaking of positioning, you don't know how many times I fucking exploded because of that mask spawning, and me not knowing where it is. It hides behind other pieces of the background! No, I could understand if it spawned in the background, and was blocked by something in the foreground.... but noooooo! It is at they very bottom in the layers, and that means every piece of brick, ship or boss will block it, and that is just cheap. Cheap like flea-market watches. There is that second of "Hey, where the fu- DAMNIT, it just rammed into me!", and it's just really frustrating to know that it could do it at any time, due to it's erratic spawning! It didn't allow you to form any kind of strategy, and it felt just too overbearing overall.

For the third time, I understand it's not an easy game, but in the name of all that is Bullet Bill, FIX THAT MASKGHOULTHING.

But let's talk some positives.

The game is plenty challenging, which will keep gamers that play for challenge keep coming back for more. The game is fast, but lengthy, so it doesn't feel short, nor does it feel elongated, and streched. Variety of characters was unique, and playing as Nyan Cat was just viral internet media at it's finest. Abilities were helpful, although I have to admit, I was partial to the time-slowy-one for the entire game. The levels were repetitive, but you burned through them so quickly, that you didn't really feel it. But they also each had their unique twists. The music was enjoyable, and didn't get old after even hours of drilling on.

Overall, it's a good game, with room for improvement. It's not a ten out of ten, but it's pretty damn close.

Now watch, as this post is rated down hundreds of thumbs because I didn't follow the trend of saying "OMG DIS GAM IZ PERFEC".

slightly clunky controls and pretty fun... aside from trying to unlock new characters, ridiculous.