Post Interesting Trivia That Youll Never Use.


The sound that a Blue Whale makes is the loudest sound made by an animal:D

The inner hole of a cd or dvd will fit exactly over the little knob on the top of a cap !!

That does not work, I tried it out:dunno:


'Middle Earth' ?? ;) :1orglaugh


Elephants Purrrrrrrrrrrrrr like cats to communicate


Closed Account
The average man has 11 erections per day, 9 of them while asleep. On average, a man will have spent 3 years of his life with an erect penis.
Marie Curie

Marie Curie's first ever discovery in the field of Radioactivity, was to discover Polonium,
which she named after her country of birth Poland. (and given the symbol Ci from her name Curie)

She is the only person to have won the Nobel-Prize in two different fields of science (Physics and Chemistry)

Her personal cookbooks are still too radioactive to be touched, even some 74 years after her death.
The average man has 11 erections per day, 9 of them while asleep. On average, a man will have spent 3 years of his life with an erect penis.

How can they be sure?...maybe it's one continuous erection.

I can only speak from experience of course..;)
When the 1933 version of the film King Kong was originally shown in Denmark it had to be called Kong King because Danish for King is Kong


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
If Slash would'nt have found his grandmothers guitar looking instrument we would never have heard of Welcome To The Jungle, Paradise City, Sweet Child O' Mine and Don't Cry.
The tallest mountain in our solar system, Olympus Mons is so tall and has a relative slope so shallow that it's impossible to see the top of the mountain from the base and vice versa. It gets so far away it is past the point where you can see it due to the Mars' curvature and it's hidden past the horizon.
The tallest mountain in our solar system, Olympus Mons is so tall and has a relative slope so shallow that it's impossible to see the top of the mountain from the base and vice versa. It gets so far away it is past the point where you can see it due to the Mars' curvature and it's hidden past the horizon.

You get the same effect with Barry Manilow's nose...

and my cock.